Meeting Notes August 11, 2020
Meeting Agenda
Note: Despite a storm rolling in at the time of the meeting, We decided to proceed to go through the topics with the residents that were present. With the last minute shift, we did not have a member to take formal notes from the meeting. We will attempt a “redo” meeting in late September/October. The agenda, with comments is below:
1) Call to Order. Roll call and introductions. Meeting held at 4527 Catalina. (Weather Permitting) Bring a chair and please remember to social distance.
Members present: Rich Sommerville, Ed Edwards, Annette Miller.
2) General review of financial report.
Starting balance: $11.202, current balance $8596
Utilities approx. $90 per month (electric and water) Expenses included entry, utilities, PO box, Insurance, misc
3) Completed projects report and lawn maintenance proposals.
Entry: ground rototilled, soil amended, planted, mulched, etc. Cost $1596 (minus $400 donation for paint) Volunteers have been mowing, weeding ,mulching etc. Caesar (Key Largo resident) volunteered to upgrade/fix sprinkler system. We will add trees when we have a better feel for changes with new development. Also have a resident that has agreed to donate towards purchase of trees. Overall residents have had positive reactions to entry design.
4) New Headwater development updates.
Moving forward quickly, should see work start any day. Gopher tortoise delay. We have been in communication with developer and are hoping to work with them on a combined project for a new bus stop pavilion/bulletin board. We have a copy of the design plan for the neighborhood, with plans for all landscaping, exit road into Eldorado, fencing, etc. This plan was available for residents at meeting. Attempt will be made to add to the website.
5) Discussion of formation of MSTBU, bylaws, rules and restrictions.
We will attempt to reinvestigate the MSTBU in a year or so. Once development up front is done and impact on roads is understood. Still the only way to have 100% of residents and lot owners pay towards infrastructure of the neighborhood. A copy of the original Eldorado Rules and Restrictions and Bylaws were passed out. Residents asked to read through and give input as we will need to revise and file with the state.
6) Website updates, possible Venmo set up.
Looking at setting up Venmo or Zelle for dues as PayPal was not efficient. Constant need for verifications several times a month. Suggestion made to allow residents to pay dues monthly.
7) Resident questions and input from website.
Roads/Stop signs-New development will cut across Eldorado for water/electric. May be good time to look at additional road repairs needed while the crew is in the neighborhood. Residents still not stopping at stop sign. This continues to be a huge concern for many. We have quite a few new residents with young children that have expressed need for some kind of solution. Will look at asking resident law enforcement opinions. *Update: some have declared the stop signs are not legal. We will need to paint the “white lines” on some of the roadways, however they do meet the MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) requirement and are legal. (Thank you Christi Betts for the research and information)
Maintaining lots/property- will again ask any lot owners to send money if they want us to cut back overgrown lots in dues. (no one did last time we asked, but worth a try). Asking residents to be respectful of others and to show pride in the community by maintaining property.
Mowing-At this time volunteers have been mowing, trimming, weeding, etc. However, it has not necessarily been consistent and there are concerns about liability. We are getting bids to have a licensed company take care of the entry. However, we will try to continue to rely on volunteers until we get an idea of what the new development will be responsible for and what we will need to maintain.
8) Discussion of dues.
We are planning on sending out dues letters in October. Dues will continue to be $120. Still looking at any additional $ needed for future projects and road upkeep. We will work on creating a budget so residents can get an idea of community costs.
9) Future projects and road upkeep.
Roads will continue to be monitored and will need upkeep, especially as the new construction continues. We are also looking at possibly building a new bus stop/pavilion/bulletin board with new development. If they agree to the building, we will need to pay our share.
10) Open Forum Discussions.
These comments are addressed in the 9 topics above.
*If anything was mixed, we apologize. With the storm and rain coming on right at the beginning of the meeting, things got a little hectic, but we didn’t want to turn away those that were there. Again, we will look at a “redo” in the next month or so.